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To mitigate the threats affecting nine of the most threatened EU species of marine mammals, marine turtles and seabirds in the Ionian, South Adriatic, and Aegean seas – the Mediterranean Monk Seal, the Loggerhead Turtle, the Green Turtle, the Sperm Whale, the Harbour Porpoise, the Cuvier’s Beaked Whale, the Common Dolphin, the Yelkouan Shearwater and the Audouin’s Gull – the project LIFE MareNatura “Conservation of priority species of marine megafauna in Greece and Italy”, launched its activities in July 2023 and is expected to conclude in June 2029. The ultimate goal of the project is the effective protection of these species and their marine habitats through the identification and designation of new marine protected areas (MPAs), thereby expanding the Greek Natura 2000 network. In this way, the project will significantly contribute to Greece’s implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, which mandates placing at least 30% of Europe’s sea and land under protection by 2030 (“30 by 30” target), with one-third of these areas strictly protected.

The strategy of LIFE MareNatura focuses on addressing knowledge gaps on the presence of the target species and the threats they face in offshore marine areas, beyond the coastal waters where research and conservation actions have been concentrated so far. Extensive field surveys will be conducted to gather data on the migration routes, feeding grounds, and aggregation areas of these species, using advanced biomonitoring techniques such as telemetry (satellite transmitters mounted on the animals), visual recordings from boats and aircraft, hydrophone recordings for sonar tracking of whales and dolphins, and species detection through environmental DNA (eDNA). These data will be compiled to create a scientifically validated list of the most critical areas for the conservation of these species within the Greek territorial waters and the Greek Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Additionally, economic activities that could adversely impact the target species, such as commercial fishing, energy production and transportation, tourism development, and maritime traffic will be mapped throughout the study area. By integrating all research data and applying advanced spatial planning methods, new MPAs will be identified and proposed for inclusion in the Natura 2000 network.

Further actions will include: a) developing and operating an integrated monitoring and early warning system for regular assessment of the conservation status of the priority species, enabling immediate protection measures when necessary; b) building the capacity of the competent authorities to effectively monitor and manage protected areas and target species, and c) implementing policy actions for effective communication and interaction with the competent authorities and other stakeholders, as well as actions for public awareness .

With a total budget of €10,707,187.54 (75% co-funded by the European Union), the LIFE MareNatura is the largest European project for the protection of marine biodiversity ever implemented in Greece. The project will significantly contribute to the scientific documentation of the ecological value of the marine areas Greece has committed to declare as MPAs, in the 9th Our Ocean Conference in Athens (April 2024), to achieve the “30 by 30” target. The project aims not only to support the establishment of new MPAs but also to secure sufficient resources for their effective management through lobbying Greek and EU decision-makers. Competent authorities will be informed and engaged through advocacy activities, and the public, along with specific stakeholders will be engaged in marine biodiversity conservation through targeted awareness-raising activities.

The project is being implemented by a consortium of twelve partners, including academic and research institutions, public bodies, NGOs, and environmental consultants, under the coordination of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR). One of the partners is the Natural Environment and Climate Change Organization (NECCA), which oversees the network of Protected Areas of Greece. Other beneficiaries include the University of the Aegean, the University of Crete – Natural History Museum of Crete, the National Observatory of Athens, the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), the NGOs Hellenic Ornithological Society, Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal (MOm), ARCHELON The Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece, and the Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles (MEDASSET), as well as the private companies Nature Conservation Consultants-NCC and WaterProof Marine Consultancies and Services BV. The environmental think tank “The Green Tank” serves as the project’s policy specialist advisor.

Dr. Panagiotis Kasapidis, the project coordinator and researcher at HCMR, stated: “In times of enormous environmental challenges and expanding economic activities (offshore wind farms, hydrocarbon mining, tourism) in relatively pristine marine areas, the LIFE MareNatura project aspires to offer an example of proper spatial planning to protect the marine environment based on robust scientific data, which will lead to economic growth that respects the environment.”

Notes to Editors:

  • The LIFE MareNatura project – Conservation of priority species of marine megafauna in Greece and Italy (July 2023 – June 2029) aims to significantly contribute to marine biodiversity conservation in Greece and Italy, through the identification and proposal for designation of new marine protected areas (MPAs). The project is co-funded by the EU and is being implemented by twelve partners: HCMR (Project Coordinator), ARCHELON, NOA, Hellenic Ornithological Society, MEDASSET, Mom, Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency (NECCA), University of Crete & Natural History Museum of Crete, Nature Conservation Consultants – NCC, University of the Aegean, ISPRA, Waterproof Marine Consultancy Services. The environmental think tank The Green Tank is the project’s policy specialist advisor.
  • Please find photo material and the project’s logo:
  • Keywords: marine biodiversity, threatened species, Natura 2000, Marine Protected Areas, sea turtles, sea birds, marine mammals
  • For more information/ interviews please contact: Panagiotis Kasapidis, Researcher, Hellenic Center for Marine Research, Project Coordinator, (Tel: 0030 2810337718, email:


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